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HIDDEN TRACK: King of the Cannibal Cyborg Mutants

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While I was writing Bloody Waters I paid special attention to the way that I presented the songs that band plays, and in particular their live performances of these songs. The very first one I wrote was “Davy Jones’ Locker” from Chapter 9 and it remains still my favourite. I wrote a handful more following […]

DELETED SCENE: Harvesting the Wretched

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This scene from Chapter 7 was originally the introduction of Billy Wales, Bloody Waters’ initial-alike guitar tech. Billy is a minor character who only really gets to appear in two or three scenes in the book, beyond this one, and most of those are only walk-on parts. The truth is, this scene only ever existed […]

DELETED SCENE: Dancing Models

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In this deleted scene from Chapter 6, Clarice and Kranz interview and hire Wynokoff, Bloody Waters touring manager. Although it only really serves to introduce a supporting character, this was one of the hardest scenes for me to cut. Firstly, a big influence on the book was Stairway to Heaven: Led Zeppelin Uncensored, written by […]

DELETED SCENE: Pandora’s Bomb

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This scene looks at Clarice ramping up her first band, Ignition Corps. She’s still very young in this sequence, living with her parents and still willing to make compromises in the way that she  makes music. We’ll see the domineering artiste emerge quickly from here. This scene also gives us another glimpse into Clarice’s domestic […]