X-Dimensional Assassin Zai Through the Unfolded Earth

Zai is an international assassin who’s in it for the travel. So, when his new agency starts to send him on assignment to places that do not exist, it’s a dream come true.
Crooked accountants, faerie industrialists, hero scientists, down-at-heels gods, secret police chiefs. A hidden continent colonised by refugees from sunken Atlantis, a secret space station, an aerostatic city-state, a post-apocalyptic Faerie Land, a Britain that has taken the hardest Brexit of all.
Whoever you are, and wherever you hide, X-Dimensional Assassin Zai will find you… but not until he’s taken some happy snaps and tried the local cuisine.
“Infinitely imaginative, XDA Zai is a twisting tale of travel, adventure and unconventional murder that will have you ripping through the pages.” — Devin Madson, author of We Ride the Storm
“Multiversal murder? Extradimensional travel through the strange liminal spaces of airports? Mayhem from the mind of Jason Franks? Sign me up.” — Justin Jordan, author of Luther Strode and Spread
Distributed worldwide by IPG/SPU.

On a mountain that does not exist, there is a school where they teach the impossible.
From his first day at the Academy, things are difficult for Quay. Though he has surrendered his name, like every other acolyte at the magical school, Quay is the son of a disgraced professor, and he finds that his father’s old enemies are already lined up against him–while the professor’s own faction is just as suspicious. Quay refuses to take a side, but as his powers grow it becomes apparent that the damaged young boy may prove a greater threat than his father ever was.
Deep in the Library of Shadows, Quay finds a way to survive his father’s treacherous legacy, but the price is high indeed.
“A strange, mysterious and compelling read told in spookily disconnected first person narrative, delivered by a likeably unlikeable main character. A subtle and dreamlike tale.” –Sam Bowring, author of the Broken Well trilogy
“What happens when the ordinary and everyday is not kind? What happens when we take the hard road and make the harsh, bad choices? Shadowmancy explores this… with relish.”
Gillian Polack, author of The Year of the Fruitcake
Illustrated by Nicholas Hunter.
Coming soon to North America from Outland Entertainment.
Faerie Apocalypse
Over the centuries the Faerie Realms have drifted away from the mortal world. But for some, the Doors will open. For some, there is a Way to travel there, if they want it badly enough. If they dream it hard enough. In this era, only lovers, poets, and madmen can access the Realms of the Land–and for good reason.
A succession of mortals travel to Faerie: a veteran seeking beauty; a magus seeking power; an urchin seeking his wayward father; an engineer seeking meaning. The mortals bring the horrors of our age to the Land, and the Folk who live there respond in kind.
“In this beautifully imagined novel, Franks tells a story viscerally graphic, emotionally moving and very, very sharp.” – Kaaron Warren
“Franks has delivered a dark fantastical history of staggering imagination, written like a fable, delivered like a punch. Powerful and engrossing stuff.” – Alan Baxter
Distributed worldwide by IPG/SPU.
Bloody Waters

Is the Devil less trustworthy than a record executive?
Young guitar virtuoso Clarice Marnier is on the verge of success when she crosses the wrong A&R man. Suddenly, instead of being signed to the major label that’s been courting her, she finds herself blacklisted.
So Clarice makes a deal with the Devil: the soul of her greatest enemy for a record deal and a second chance.
As Clarice and her band, Bloody Waters, begin their ascent to rock stardom they are are beset by a strange array of enemies. Has-been guitar heroes, popstar succubii, spell-slinging DJs, angry divas and killer angels–every occult freak and music industry player in LA wants something from them, whether it’s a slice of their fame or a bite out of their souls.
Clearly, there’s more at stake than just a record deal–but what does the Devil really want, and how far will Clarice go to protect what’s hers?
“The writing style is tight and powerful. This is a great book, superbly written and one of those things you can call truly different.” – Alan Baxter
“Franks’ neat inversion of the Blues myth of the guitarist selling his soul for success cleverly sums up the history of rock from its beginnings on the banks of the Mississippi to the MTV VJs cheerfully gossiping on the sex lives of celebrity popstars. This is confident and very entertaining writing, reminiscent of Harlan Ellison’s Spider Kiss meets Pratchett and Gaiman’s classic Good Omens. Franks’ enthusiasm for rock shines through on every page, but there’s also a satirical wryness here which catapults this above other supernatural thrillers clogging up the market. A great, fun read.” – The Momus Report
“…very different to a lot of the horror I’ve been reading recently, with a clarity and deceptive simplicity that really suits the story. The escalating series of supernatural encounters had a balance of kick arse action and absurdity that appealed. The resolution felt fresh, without a cliche in sight.” – Mark Webb
Coming soon to North America from Outland Entertainment.