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Continuum X

Gentle readers, space cats, rock dogs, children of darkness, it is that convention time of year once again. To whit: Continuum X, Australia’s national Science Fiction convention for 2014. I will be hanging about for just about the entire event, and I will even try to find my way to the pub in the evenings […]

Hellhound On My Trail

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  Okay, gang. Possible Press are conducting an experiment on my behalf. We’re publishing some stand-alone short stories related to Bloody Waters direct to amazon. If they do well, there will be more stories and eventually a collection. Sound good to you? Sounds good to us!   The first short, “Hellhound On My Trail”, featuring the bluesman […]

“Butcher’s Hook” in Aurealis Best of 2013

My short story “Butcher’s Hook” was voted equal third in the Aurealis subscriber’s Best of 2013 poll. Equal third with four other stories, one of which is edit-buddy Marta Salek’s excellent “Intelligent Design”. View the full list here: Aurealis is now an all digital magazine, which is good news! That means you can get […]