I put the artists on Sixsmiths volume 2 to the question. This is what Sacha Bryning said:
How did you come to be involved in this project?
Well you asked me at a book launch and these things always seem sufficiently far off to give a non committal yet positive answer and so I did. Also I had some beer under the belt
and you’re very polite.
Your chapter comes after the big climax and is mostly composed of quiet scenes in which minor plot threads are resolved. Even the big reveal here is not actually revealed until the following chapter. You’ve made it look really natural, but it must have been a challenge to have to pick up so many different characters and locations for such brief scenes. Why did you decide to go along with this ludicrous enterprise after you saw the script?
Yes finding the right approach was kind of difficult. It was at a time when I was growing in confidence but still lacking some direction in my stylistic choices. I think now I would maybe try to do less but I do hope it looks natural. The scenes are all talky as the resolution tacks for home but no less fun to draw. After I saw the script and the roster of artists I did think ‘Christ this is either going to be an amazing patchwork of intriguing tonal shifts or a discordant melange of styles. Either way I want to add my egg to the omelette.’ I think I had some beer under the belt again and relayed this sentiment to you. You were, as always, gracious and quietly confident it would land where you wanted. I really liked your underplayed approach to what could be a melodramatic comic cliche and so I trusted in your vision of Australian suburbia after Crowley and the characters you’d developed so nicely from the first volume. And you offered me money.
What was the best thing about working on The Sixsmiths?
The money. Also being involved with so many other creators and seeing their interpretations roll in over time. There’s an uncomfortable yet familiar feel that anyone growing up in the Australian suburban sprawl has experienced that you managed to harness. It’s gum trees and portable block class rooms in the summer heat. Repressive school uniforms and stifling social norms. Homogenous streets that make you want to be anywhere else. But yours was also an ode to all this and a lovely play on the banality.
What was the worst thing about working with Jason Franks?
Would have to be the work ethic. Jason only works hard to shame you for not drawing your measly quota in the generous amount of time allotted. I mean he gave you a year’s warning! He sent several polite yet firm, hand wringing emails fizzing with praise and asking, in passing, about your progress. He paid you up front! What more do you want?! He’s been wrangling this book for years and supporting a family while working on 6 other projects! Start drawing you fat little troll!
Thanks for reading, folks! And remember, you can currently order Sixsmiths volumne 2 from your local comic store by forwarding them the following link, or by citing Diamond code FEB171451. Orders due Feb 18th. In stores April 26th!