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Franks will be at Armageddon Melbourne this weekend. Stop by for a chat or to pick up some McBlack books. Franks will also be selling a limited edition Dave Gutierrez print promoting McBlack volume 2: Lady McBlack. This is what it looks like in B&W: See you there, mother truckers!

Sixsmiths Volume 2 Art Lineup: Ed Siemienkowicz

G’day, Grendels, It’s that time again, when I have the incredible pleasure of introducing another Sixsmiths vol.02 artist. From Chicago, Illinois in the United States of America, where only the ammunition is metric… it’s Nine Millimeter Ed Siemienkowicz! Ed is probably best known for his comic post-1980s-apocalypse comic, Chrome and Dust,  and for his autobiographical webcomic […]