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This scene, from chapter 2, describes teenaged Clarice’s brief stint playing with a party band called Groulx. Through successive drafts this section grew smaller and smaller. In the published version of Bloody Waters, all that remains is a single paragraph summary. But here’s the original, a look at the implosion of a band in which […]

Miley, Sinead, Amanda

I wasn’t going to comment talk about Miley Cyrus, because frankly I don’t think it’s worth the attention… and that’s what this is all about. Attention, which translates directly into clicks and sales. (I’m quite partial to all three of those things myself, of course, but this isn’t about me.) So I’ll be brief. To […]

Butcher’s Hook

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Aurealis #65, out today, contains my short rock’n’roll horror story “Butcher’s Hook”. If you enjoyed Bloody Waters you’l probably enjoy this puppy. For $2.99, you can’t really go wrong, can you? First person to sport the Bloody Waters reference in “Butcher’s Hook” and email me via the contact page gets a free copy of the Bloody […]

Great Inspiration: A Writer of Earthsea

Alan Baxter, award-winning author and undoubted bad-ass, has been running a series on his blog in which Australian authors talk about the things that inspire them. Here’s my piece, in which I talk about the continuing effects that Ursula Le Guin’s A Wizard of Earthsea has had on my walnut-sized little brain. While you’re […]

DELETED SCENE: Boyfriends and Girlfriends

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I will be presenting some of the numerous sections that were deleted from the final version of Bloody Waters, all of which will be linked from the Extras page. Some of these are straight up scenes, some of them are epistolary sections, some are musical numbers… I cut 50,000 words from the biggest draft to […]