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The Comics Business: From Idea to Print

I will be giving a seminar for the ASA about creating comics. As it says in the title, we’ll cover everything that happens from the time you get the idea for your sequential art masterpiece to the time it sees print. My class will be held in Melbourne on October the 18th. Julie Ditrich will […]

“Butcher’s Hook” makes Tangent’s 2013 Recommended reading list

Well, here’s a lovely way to ring in the new year. My short rock’n’roll horror story “Butcher’s Hook”, published in Aurealis #65, scored a mention on Tangent Online’s 2013 Recommended reading list. That’s a great list to be on. Some of the very biggest names in the business are present. Great company, too–numerous friends and […]


It has been very quiet around here lately. Lots going on personally and professionally and I’ve been paddling hard to keep my head above water. Next year should be saner as I try to take control of my artistic commitments. BUT IN THE MEANTIME, I BRING YOU NEWS. I have just signed a contract with […]