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McBlack vol.01 #3 Now Available from

Here it is, folks, the third and final instalment of McBlack vol.01, now available from with a lovely new cover by Tom Bonin. It’s one dollar. Coming soon for Kobo, Nook and iOS.      

The Clock Strikes Thirteen

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“This is a great book, superbly written and one of those things you can call truly different.” Couldn’t ask for a better review than this one, written by Alan Baxter for Thirteen O’Clock:

Whatcha Podcast Aussie Comics Special

Well folks, it’s here again. The wonderful folks at the Whatcha Podcast have done their yearly summation of most of the Aussie comics released in 2013, including Lady McBlack #1 and Franks’ Ungenred collection. Dean, Dr Emma, Nath, and Mike work their way through everything with humour and panache and it’s well worth a listen if you want […]

Review by Mark Webb

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Australian spec fic reviewing stalwart Mark Webb has been kind enough to review Bloody Waters, and… well, I guess he liked it. Mark says: “…very different to a lot of the horror I’ve been reading recently, with a clarity and deceptive simplicity that really suits the story.” “The escalating series of supernatural encounters had a […]

The Comics Business: From Idea to Print

I will be giving a seminar for the ASA about creating comics. As it says in the title, we’ll cover everything that happens from the time you get the idea for your sequential art masterpiece to the time it sees print. My class will be held in Melbourne on October the 18th. Julie Ditrich will […]