Oz Comic Con 2014
Apologies for the radio silence, cats and dogs. I have been working hard to bring you more horrible fiction and I just haven’t had a… Read More »Oz Comic Con 2014
Apologies for the radio silence, cats and dogs. I have been working hard to bring you more horrible fiction and I just haven’t had a… Read More »Oz Comic Con 2014
Here it is, folks, the third and final instalment of McBlack vol.01, now available from amazon.com with a lovely new cover by Tom Bonin. It’s one dollar. http://www.amazon.com/McBlack-3-Jason-Franks-ebook/dp/B00I3KYN2U/ref=la_B0042J31FG_1_11?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1390974489&sr=1-11 Coming soon for Kobo, Nook and iOS.
“This is a great book, superbly written and one of those things you can call truly different.” Couldn’t ask for a better review than this one, written by Alan Baxter for Thirteen O’Clock: http://www.thirteenoclock.com.au/bloody-waters-by-jason-franks-review/?utm_source=hootsuite&utm_campaign=hootsuite
Well folks, it’s here again. The wonderful folks at the Whatcha Podcast have done their yearly summation of most of the Aussie comics released in 2013, including Lady McBlack #1 and Franks’ Ungenred collection. Dean, Dr Emma, Nath, and Mike work their way through everything with humour and panache and it’s well worth a listen if you want […]
Australian spec fic reviewing stalwart Mark Webb has been kind enough to review Bloody Waters, and… well, I guess he liked it. Mark says: “…very different to a lot of the horror I’ve been reading recently, with a clarity and deceptive simplicity that really suits the story.” “The escalating series of supernatural encounters had a […]