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Under the Sycamore

My story "Under the sycamore", beautifully illustrated by Luke Andrew, has just been published in DECAY #10.Lovely cover by Simon Wright, with some interior work from Daniel Watts, Greg Chapman and John Stewart. Back cover by the legendary Jo…

Good Review, Bad Review

Mixed bag of reviews this weekend:Scaryminds minds really liked "Pack Rules" in the new, repackaged After The World: Forge, on the other hand, did not like The Sixsmiths One Shot:http:/…

In the Next Year

It's been a big year for me. Now it's November at it's time to take stock around here, so, this is an attempt to show you what my schedule looks like next year. It looks a bit like this:BLOODY WATERS: At long, long last my first novel, Bloo…


My proudest moment yet in my writing career: a book I contributed to was banned on eBay.YUCK #1, published by Milk Shadow Books and containing my story "Bogey Man" (inked by Mike Nason). I was not the worst offender, I don't think–that w…