I have a new horror short story, “Tolerance to Iron”, coming out in Midnight Echo #15; a piece about a father who takes issue with a Little Man he finds terrorizing his daughter.
This is my first horror piece in quite a long time and it feels a bit like coming home. I have really enjoyed returning to the pages of Midnight Echo and working with editor Lee Murray to really sharpen the teeth on this one. It’s an honour to share space with the likes of Jo Anderton, Bec Fraser, Martin Livings, Anthony Ferguson, David Schembri, Deb Sheldon and the others. That gorgeous cover is by Greg Chapman.
Also as I write this post I realize that that is two stories in a row with the word ‘iron’ in the title. What can I say? Sharaku Homura was a tough act to follow.
Midnight Echo #15 will be available in print and online on November 30th, I believe.