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So, Bloody Waters is out. In the immediate future I have The Sixsmiths vol.02 underway and also McBlack vol.02, and I am now actively trying to sell my second novel, Faerie Apocalypse, which I completed in 2012. My third novel, tentatively entitled XDA Zai, is presently a second draft, with several more to go before it’s submission-ready. Does this make me prolific?

It sounds like a lot, but it’s really not. In the two years since The Sixsmiths came out I’ve produced two one shots, I’ve edited two anthologies, and I’ve sold a couple of short stories. Bloody Waters was a done deal before Sixsmiths, and all up it took thirteen years–that’s hardly a prolific rate of production. For a professional writer that’s not much at all. For a semipro who works a day job full time, I guess it’s a reasonable volume.

I do also have three new comics projects I’m currently pitching around. It seems like a lot, but i’s taken a lot of years to build up this pipeline. Perhaps I’d be better of if I worked on fewer projects at a time, but it’s not the way I’m wired. I’m most productive when I can switch my efforts around–it keeps me fresh, but it does blow out my timelines a lot. But make no mistake–I work hard at this.

So. Prolific? No. Hard-working? Yeah, I’ll cop to that one.


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