Well, boys and girls, its here.
My first novel, Bloody Waters, is now available in the Kindle store from Amazon.com.
Bloody Waters is an occult rock’n’roll novel about guns, magic and the devil… but mostly its about music. Please do me a huge favour and buy it, review it, talk about it, link it. I will love you forever, in a non-creepy or metaphysically-threatening way.
I will be a guest at Oz Horror Con 12 on Saturday, where I will be promoting the book and perhaps even reading from it. Since it’s an eBook I will not be selling copies of the novel directly, but I will be happy to sign postcards of Rhys James’ gorgeous cover painting for you. If you’ve managed to buy and read a copy of it before then I will reward you with free comics and undying good wishes.
Get thee behind me,
— JF