My (prose) novel X-Dimensional Assassin Zai is going to be distributed to comic shops by IFWG Publishing/ IPI Comics.
If you’re a comics reader who is looking to try out one of my novels this is the perfect opportunity. It’s in the current Diamond Previews (with order code MAR241724), as well as from Lunar Distribution. Should be in stores on May 29th.
Here’s the blurb:
Zai is an international assassin whose agency sends him to places that do not exist! He hunts crooked accountants, faerie industrialists, hero scientists, down-at-heels gods, and refugees from Atlantis; and he finds them: in hidden continents, secret space stations, or post-apocalyptic Faerie Lands. Good thing he's a professional killer who likes to travel.

X-Dimensional Assassin Zai Through the Unfolded Earth was a Ditmar Award finalist last year and I would appreciate it if you would spread the word.
Distributing novels to comic stores is an experiment and if it goes well we’ll do this more often. If you’ve already read the book, I will be forever in your debt if you would leave me a review on goodreads or amazon, or anywhere people might see it.
Here are order links you could share with your comic store:
See you in the funny pages,
— Jason