My friend Ed’s dying wish was that his friends finish his graphic memoir about the year he turned forty–the worst year of his life.
150 of us pulled together to complete the book from his script. Artists like Jill Thompson, KT Hollywood, Darick Maasen, Hillary Barta, Gene Ha, Hugo Giraud, Joel Carroll, Jonathan Hickman, Mike Norton, Skye Ogden, Tim Seeley, and a legion of others teamed all chipped in a page each.
Ed drew many pages for me before he fell ill and I was determined to reciprocate here. My page was inked by the indomitable Greg Vondruska, who found time to help me out on top of his own contribution.
Huge thanks to Darick and Vanessa and the whole crew for managing to bring in a project of this size, purely for the love.
The book is now available to download for free and I hope you will check it out:
Maybe donate a few bucks to pancreatic cancer research, while you’re at it? There are some links to Ed’s favourite charities on the download page, or if you’re looking for an Australian option, you might consider Pancare.
Peace out.