After four years McBlack is finally, properly available to a worldwide audience.
That link again:
Although McBlack volume 1 was originally published as a single volume trade, it was written to be serialized into three issues and we have broken it up as originally designed for this digital release. Issues #2 and #3 will be available in short order, followed by the ONE SHOT and TWO SHOT. LADY McBLACK #1 will probably have to wait until I issues #2 and 3 ready, but I expect that Old Smiley will have surprise or two for you before then.
Unfortunately the Amazon/B&N/Itunes digital editions are no longer available due to the collapse of Graphicly. I will attempt to have those options reinstated, but I believe that ComiXology still offers the best and most-accessible editions of the book.
If you are an existing fan who read the webcomic version of this book, while it was still available, or if you have the trade but you’d like to be able to zoom all over the Dave’s gorgeous inks in high res, please support us by snagging a copy of the new edition. The better we do on ComiXology the sooner the man in the hat can deliver more metafictional untraviolence for your unsavoury delight.
Please and thank you!
– Mickey Bee